Activity 1:
Watch the 2 BBC bitesize clips on:
Now read through the information on the website and answer the following questions:
- What is magma?
- What is magma called when it reaches the Earth’s crust and comes out?
- What causes a volcanic eruption?
- Do all volcanoes erupt violently? Give an example for your answer.
Activity 2:
Read through the Volcano Powerpoint.
Fill in the Volcano worksheet. Try to label the different parts of the volcano correctly.
Have a go at the quiz on the last slide of the Powerpoint to see some amazing facts!
PSHE activity
A focus on family and friends. Split task up over three days to match the three activities. Use powerpoint as a guide.
Art Activity
Reading the story Icarus discuss meaning behind the story. Create a piece of art work representing Icarus flying to close to the sun. Children could use sponges or press a paint brush to build up colour.