Our Reception staff team 2021-22
Mrs Krol is a member of our Senior Leadership Team and is subject leader for the Early Years Curriculum, currently teaching in Year 1 (class 1K).
Miss Flint teaches Dazzling Diamonds and is SENDco (Special Needs and Disabilities coordinator).
Miss Lancaster is curriculum leader for Forest School and is the class teacher of Happy Hearts.
Miss Little is class teacher for Sparkling Stars and is subject leader for Music throughout school.
Mrs Casson teaches DD and SS once a week to enable the class teachers' PPA time (time out of class for planning, preparation and assessment). She is curriculum lead for MFL (French).
Mrs Swift is the PPA teacher for HH, as well as leading ECOschools work throughout school.
We are fortunate also to have great teaching assistants in each class, supporting the learning of all children:
In HH you will find Miss Coney and Miss Watson. In DD you will find Miss Stables and Miss Henry. In SS you will find Miss Cowley and Mrs Mellor.
Every child also has a period of weekly Forest School sessions during their time in Reception, taught by Mrs Turner and Miss Smith. These begin in the Spring term. Please see the Forest School section of our website for more information on this exciting part of your child's learning journey.
When not affected by Covid19 (!), we also often benefit from volunteers (family members, students, School Governors, etc) joining us in class to help with a range of activities. If you would like to become part of our Reception family in this way, please let the school office know, and we look forward to welcoming helpers into class whenever Covid restrictions are lifted.
Our parents and carers are of course also key members of the Reception family, in supporting and encouraging their own children with their learning, helping them forge friendships beyond school and joining us for shared events throughout the year.