Moorlands Primary School

Topic-updated 19.5.20


Now that you have looked at a European City, can you now focus on Huddersfield?  Using what you know about comparative language, can you compare Huddersfield with the previous work completed on your European City?  E.g. The climate of Huddersfield is … whereas in Madrid, the climate is _____. The climates are different/the same because…

Vocabulary you may like to use: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, equator, climate, continent, country, temperature, located,

Landscape, climate, population, trade, famous buildings / landmarks, oceans/other cities/countries nearby, general history of the city, identify it on a map, draw the flag of the country it belongs to and any other interesting information you find.

This can be presented in any form you choose e.g. PowerPoint, poster or written report.