Week 1
Mrs Watson’s phonics group
This week, please practise the alternative spellings for ai and phase 5 tricky words (please see the Year 1 homework page on the website for a list of tricky words).
Can you practise reading and writing the following words. We have already learnt ai and ay but a-e is a new way to write the ai sound. It is called a split diagraph because a letter goes in the middle!
ai |
ay |
a-e |
rain chain trail |
play day stay today |
snake take bake shake |
Challenge: Can you write a sentence including these words?
Can you practise reading the following nonsense words:
ai |
ay |
a-e |
flain quaip traik |
jayp zay wayf |
pate lafe prake |
Mrs Jones’ and Mrs Owens’ phonics group
This week, please practise a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e split diagraphs and phase 5 tricky words (please see the Year 1 homework page on the website for a list of tricky words).
Can you practise reading and writing the following words:
a-e |
e-e |
i-e |
o-e |
u-e |
frame blade grape gate |
evening compete delete concrete |
quite pipe stride smile |
coke rope wrote globe |
tunes fluke costume plume |
Challenge: Can you write a sentence including these words?
Can you practise reading the following nonsense words:
a-e |
e-e |
i-e |
o-e |
u-e |
thrade spalte drame splade |
geme pplete prele treke
quide slipe krite splipe |
proke slode profe chope |
slude pruke hrufe tude |