Moorlands Primary School



Number of the week

The number of the week is a 2- digit number

The number of the week is half of 10

The number of the week is 4 x 5 (5+5+5+5)

The number of the week is one more than 19

The number of the week is one less than 21

The number of the week is



How many different ways can you make 20 e.g. 2+13 = 15, 5+10=15.

Can you write out the numbers bonds to 20.


Can you guess the shape of the week?

The shape of the week is a 3D shape

The shape of the week has 6sqaure faces.

The shape of the week has 12 edges.

The shape of the week is an


Day 2



Listen to the shape songs

Day 3

Day 4


Ordering the magic potions

Can you help the wizard put the potions in the correct order (see attached sheet). You could do it practically or on the sheet.

Day 5

Activity – make ice lollies

Following one of the recipes attached make an ice lolly.

Remember to carefully pour the liquid into the mould – when you’re making your lolly thinking about the language used to describe the capacity- full, empty, half full, nearly empty etc.

What would happen if you didn’t fill the mould to the top?